Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gathered around Jesus..

Just came from a class that inspired me about the way we think of Christians and church.

An author/theologian/anthropologist that we were looking at talked about two different ways that we make the definition;

- Bounded Set (think a group of people with a definite circle around them)
In this mindset, you are defined as a christian by what you believe and how you behave. It emphasizes the 'crossing the line' from non-christian 'out' to christian 'in', and the unity and similarity of all Christians (without diversity).

- Centered Set (think a group of people moving toward Christ in the center and a fuzzy line drawn around)
In this mindset, you are defined as a christian by relationship with Christ, and movement towards him. There is still a distinction drawn between christian and non-christian, however the focus is not on exclusion, but on encouraging people to follow Christ. It also recognizes the value of diversity within Christians, as we grow to be more like Christ.

This 'centered' set idea really resonates with me! As we thought more about it's implications for how we view and organize church, I felt inspired by this vision of church. This is what I long for in church:

- Defined by its centre - Jesus Christ

- A group of people gathered around Jesus to worship, obey and serve Him

- Covenant community focused on righteousness, koinonia, shalom (peace, wholeness), hesed (Loving-kindness) and mercy!

- If a community is based on those foundations, then we can be 'real' with one another, in a community of love, peace and mercy, we are free to have deep fellowship.

- Basis is relationship not works or beliefs

- No exclusions, diversity celebrated - most important thing is movement towards Jesus.

All of these things build into the church, as the Body of Christ.

And our Primary Task - to uphold Jesus in our community and lives so that he can draw all people to himself!

This vision of church is just.... WOW!

The people of God. Shalom. Mercy. Amen.

Now that's a church I can believe in.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The story of nom and om

Nom and om were happy together.

Nom and om enjoyed skipping, reading books and going to the library.

One day, om and nom went to dinner together.

Om thought nom made too much noise while eating, and nom thought the same of om.

thus ended the happy friendship of om and nom.

and to this day they battle for each meal.

but om normally only wins one victory each meal.

One day, om will turn the tables on nom, and will begin to win the war.

On that day, ringing from dinner tables everywhere will be delightful sounds of OM OM OM OM OM nom.

And on that day I will rejoice with OM! For the battle has been won.

(And. Before anyone asks there is no deeper meaning to this story. I just wrote it randomly to a friend in the middle of a conversation, while musing the phenomenom (look at those noms just gloating their victory in that word) that is OM NOM NOM, and the unfairness to poor OM. Only one OM and two NOMs. One day OM will turn the tide. OM > NOM despite how it may appear.)

And this is what happens when Liz is overtired. Great.