Sunday, December 7, 2008

One small step for liz...

One giant leap for Liz-kind.

Right now, I feel as if I'm stepping into the great unknown!

Life is changing all around me, my friends are changing, my family is changing, my situation is changing, my relationships are changing, my church is changing, and yet my God stays the same.

It's a comforting thing to come back to the fact that my God never changes, that no matter what else (crap or amazing) is happening in my life, my God is my constant shield, shelter, protector and provider.

I really don't come back to that point enough... So often I'm stressed or even excited about what's happening next in life, and I forget the one who's helping me figure it all out. When I'm stressed, God keeps on working things together so that I will turn back to him, and mostly I'm just like, "Oh, that's cool God, thanks a bunch" and then go back along with my business.

Lately I've been seeing God walking alongside me in some amazing ways, sorting out money for my missions trips.. giving me amazing developing friendships that mean so much to me! And the way that he moves me into new things in a way that I can deal with is a testament to how well he knows me.

It just makes me want to serve him more, and walk in His will. About the most inspiring thing for me lately has been seeing how he works things out for people who walk in Him. Like my mate who just got married to the absolutely perfect guy for her... she walked in God's will and found her reward.. my desire is to keep walking in my Lord, knowing that he will work through me to touch the lives of those around me, that will be my reward!

For once, a post late at night when I'm all alone in my house, that isn't melancholy!

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