Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Friendship is...

I was thinking on my way home from uni yesterday about what friendship is, and so many of the metaphors that I used to think of just came up so short. I kept thinking 'an investment' but it seems just horrid to think of friendship as something that happens in a bank! There are elements of this idea that are true, but anyone who starts a friendship solely for what they will gain from it, will cause themselves (and their friends) great pain.

So without a metaphor, I settle for just writing...

Friendship is going on a journey without a destination in mind, and savouring every moment

Friendship is 'doing life' next to each other, for each other, with each other

Friendship is in the 'I just need a hug' moments

Friendship is the point where you like the other person more than you like yourself (and especially because they like you even still...)

Friendship is being broken together

Friendship feeds on words, silent or shared

Friendship is letting someone tell you their story by living their life

Friendship is letting someone in, to the world behind your eyes

Friendship is letting someone look for the beauty in yourself that you cannot see

Friendship comes with shared hope, and vision for the future

Friendship holds the light up for the other

Friendship shares the heart



Rob Thomson said...

Thanks for sharing this Liz. I am relearning all what it means to be a friend now that I am back in civilization...you'd think it would be straight forward, but it's not as straight forward as one might think, this friendship thing.

Keep writing!

Your fellow cellgroup member,

Random Rambler said...

Thanks Rob, cool that you came and read my blog! Just some pitiful and mainly unformed thoughts on the world.. it's just one of the ways that I like to process things. Keep Reading!