Friday, December 12, 2008
Your worldview doesn't compute.
How very intriguing..
Monday, December 8, 2008
It Begins...
Liz vs. Fastway couriers.
Fast way couriers: *Yells * "Hello, FASTWAY COURIERS!"
Next comes the disappointment...
What this isn't beach weather! Oh well, park and beach instead.
* Plays on flying fox *
* Gets p p p p poker facer stuck in her head for the rest of the day *
* Shops and spends to much money *
Then she runs late ... (So, what's new?!)
* Races home *
* Phones several people Rapidly *
*Gulps down dinner *
* Runs to car and speeds *
Dance Show FTW!
* Gets disturbed by young girls dancing skanky *
* Thinks Beth is beautiful *
* Decides that white people can't hip hop *
Playing games
* Attempts to smash, in smash bro's brawl *
* Little big planet uncoordination *
And then she settles down to work...
And then comes online to bloig about it... we'll see how this 'work' goes.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
One small step for liz...
Right now, I feel as if I'm stepping into the great unknown!
Life is changing all around me, my friends are changing, my family is changing, my situation is changing, my relationships are changing, my church is changing, and yet my God stays the same.
It's a comforting thing to come back to the fact that my God never changes, that no matter what else (crap or amazing) is happening in my life, my God is my constant shield, shelter, protector and provider.
I really don't come back to that point enough... So often I'm stressed or even excited about what's happening next in life, and I forget the one who's helping me figure it all out. When I'm stressed, God keeps on working things together so that I will turn back to him, and mostly I'm just like, "Oh, that's cool God, thanks a bunch" and then go back along with my business.
Lately I've been seeing God walking alongside me in some amazing ways, sorting out money for my missions trips.. giving me amazing developing friendships that mean so much to me! And the way that he moves me into new things in a way that I can deal with is a testament to how well he knows me.
It just makes me want to serve him more, and walk in His will. About the most inspiring thing for me lately has been seeing how he works things out for people who walk in Him. Like my mate who just got married to the absolutely perfect guy for her... she walked in God's will and found her reward.. my desire is to keep walking in my Lord, knowing that he will work through me to touch the lives of those around me, that will be my reward!
For once, a post late at night when I'm all alone in my house, that isn't melancholy!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Melon Cauli Flower

Do you ever feel like your friends are constantly flaunting something that you don't have, but you can't put your finger on quite what it is?
I don't think I understand it but I think this idea describes better than anything else something that I've been feeling for a long time. I often just feel like I've never really found the place I totally belong.
I really want to find that place.
Somewhere amongst the dance of the stars
And the rising sun
Lies the mystery that is within me
Someplace between the breaking of waves
And the edge of the earth
Are the locks where I am the key
Yet another melancholy blog post... I'm hoping this doesn't become a habit! Sorry!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
But sometimes that's how life is. (Just don't read it if you're feeling down already)
Sometimes I just feel so alone, I have friends, I have fun,
I come home, I put on my music, I watch movies, I talk with my family.
But then, I feel alone.
Alone is one of the most crippling emotions.
If God said "It is not good for man to be alone" then why are we left alone?
Why does our society of noise not fill the emptiness of the silence?
Why is quiet so unsettling and depressing?
Why must we surround ourselves with people who don't actually care?
Why don't WE care?
What have we come to?
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
When the leaves fall...

This morning I went back to bed after church, and I read this book, and I felt alive. The book tells of Julia De Smit, an ordinary girl; broken, hurting, seeking, longing, messed up and lost. She's reinventing herself, to prove that she is more than just the product of her past. She's trying to find out who she is... and making mistakes along the way.
It's a story I could really identify with and it was refreshing to read a book that didn't give any easy answers. Julia wrestles, struggles, fails and eventually finds the only one who gives us love unfailing. Sensitively written, honest and reflective; it moved me.
The most beautiful part of the book for me was in the final chapter, she finally comes to a realization of who she is, defining her life with "I am... " statements, finally settling on "I am a new creation."
It inspired me to define myself...
I am a teacher in the making.
I am a lover of life.
I am a bookworm, a muser.
I am a seeker and a finder.
I am a wildflower on a roadside.
I live in the now but not yet, embracing the tension.
I am in the making...
I am a new creation.
Now playing: Simon & Garfunkel - Blues Run the Game
via FoxyTunes
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A gem from
While a deeper post is in the works... I bring you this gem.
attention spam
Otherwise known as "Liz every single day" especially after aikido - when I have epic failing at even sweeping the floor. Brilliant
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Things that I love about people..
I thought I'd post to you some happiness.
These are some things that I totally love about people:
- I love how you can have personal jokes with someone, even though you're only just getting to know them
- I love people who appreciate the importance and 'weight' of music, and you can tell
- I love people who can be themselves, wherever they are, once you know them, you then know that you know them.
- People who don't shy away from struggle/dichotomy/tension.
- People who 'get' other people
- Verbal diorrhea people.. say what they think. Always sincere.
- People who make an effort
- People who let you journey alongside them
- People who understand the way the world is interlinked, and don't want to fit it all into boxes.
- When you can tell someone is awestruck.
- Not afraid to laugh or cry alongside someone else.
- People who you can talk about anything with and not feel awkward
- Randomness
Friday, May 23, 2008
Pet Peeves Ahora (Currently)
Except my horse.
And all the peeves that I keep under my bed.
So every know and then i bring them out and play with them... thought I might bring you into this wonderful experience today. So I hope that you enjoy meeting my peeves, give them a pat, they won't bite.
NB - My Peeves tend to be not so much hates. More irritants. And they apply just as much to myself as to other people (often more!)
Peeves pertaining to people:
- Meddling and gossiping, especially when it interferes with friendships and personal issues.
- People who are really down on themselves.
- People who dish out heaps of hassling, and then can't actually deal with it themselves. This includes the people who don't actually let anyone know they can't deal with it, but just go home and have a cry about it.
- When friendships change dynamic for no real reason, or for a stupid reason.
- People who don't make an effort to understand other people.
- People who don't notice when others are getting upset.
Pet Peeves Pertaining Particularly to myself:
- My lack of self control
- The ways that I disappoint myself and don't live up to my standards.
- When I get carried away
- The lack of innocence in my mind, and the way that this comes out my mouth.
So you know.. just a few things.
They keep me company on long, cold and lonely nights.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Do you ever have days when...
Or just too blunt/close to the truth?
I've been having that kinda day.
P.S. I thought I'd point out that I added a new list or two on the right hand side.
one about musics. (which i'm going to update fairly frequently!)
And one about friends blogs and other asorted amusement websites.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
God protects his people..
Now, I guess, you guys reading this, probably won't see why I found it so scary.
And, if any of you who read my blog are girls, you might understand :D
So, I was driving. Now normally when I drive at night, I lock my doors.
It's just something my momma trained me to do.
Some reason tonight, I forgot. I had just missed some traffic lights, and came to a stop, when I saw this slightly strange looking guy walking across the road in front of me.
I was the only car at the traffic light, and there was no one else around.
I was kinda like, he looks weird, but didn't care too much. I didn't want to lock my doors at this stage, in case he was actually watching me and noticed, and thought I looked scared.
So he walks across the road and stops right in front of my car, stares at me, then sorta waves blankly at me, and then has this strange grin on his face. I'm not really sure what he was tryna do or why... but he's standing there.
At this point, I wasn't really stressed, I just locked my doors and waved him away and he walked to a little bit to the side of my car and I drove forward as far as i could. I could still see him looking at me in my wing mirror.
Suddenly, I was freaked out! I just prayed "Jesus Christ protect me" again and again and again.
And the lights turned green, and I drove away...
Jesus did protect me. I don't really understand if this guy was a threat to me or not. But it sure gave me a scare... but its one of those answers to prayer that you're not really sure how much you were saved from!
There's currently a police helicopter searching that area - I can see it out my window, so maybe I was saved from something pretty bad! I really don't know.
But I'm grateful. I was protected.
Sometimes for me, having been a Christian so much of my life, I don't really know or understand what I was saved from. I only have to look around me at the utter depravity of the fallen nature of man and the world to see what I was saved from, and the purpose that I was saved for!
Actually, on second thoughts, I only need to look inside myself and how messed up I am. How tainted I am, how impure my thoughts are, my actions... my speech.
I'm so excited about the mission for me, as a member of the Body of Jesus Christ to bring 'heaven to earth' in ways that impact, reshape, redeem and offer something so much greater than the story that is lived out in society today. And the chance that I have to LIVE IN AND OUT OF that redemption story.
(Spent the day today at the 'Wineskin Talk' put on by BCNZ - with Rod Thompson and Mark Strom speaking about the church and it's mission and characteristics. Will post some more thoughts on it, once the cotton wool in my brain subsides!)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Make liz feel better day
So I bought 2 pairs of shoes, and some super warm slippers.
And MUTE MATH!!!!!!
Yipee. It's like been over a WHOLE week since I bought new music (on a music buying spree at the moment!)
I really need some chick singer music though... anyone want to suggest some?
I like alot of genres except like rap or hip hop. some r n b is OK. but only if it's actually good.
And I dislike much pop. But not all...
Ta for now
The pretender
or are you someone else's point of view?"
Terminal - Dark
How many of us are actually who were really are?
Who are we really?
How do we know who we are if we aren't ourselves?
Maybe "yourself" is who you are when you are alone.
- Up yourself annoyingness to hid insecurities
- Butterflies, unicorns and super happy fun times, to hide our deep inner depression
- Flirtatious, attention seeking to hide how unacceptable we feel.
What would it mean for our friendships and relationships?
This sorta introductions would ensue:
Robbie: " Hi, I'm Robbie, and I'm addicted to Hillsong/Making really bad puns/sexual immorality/lying/xkcd/using words that I don't know what they mean/eating spam"
Nicholas: "Hi Robbie, I'm Nicholas and I am too (to one/any/all of the above."
R: "Er, Ok. Right this is awkward, better be on my way."
N: "Cheerio"
How do we live with ourselves?
Are we who we are?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I plead guilty
And I mean REALLY explode.
The sort of explosion that you don't even know is coming. And then all of a sudden WHAM! it hits you, scaring the living daylights from any children in the room, and the dead daylights from all of the adults.
It's the sort of explosion that makes you look across the mall in that direction, in shock.
You never quite look at me quite the same again, once you've experienced one of these explosions.
The sort of explosion that makes Sam's ears bleed.
Yes folks, that's right, I am speaking of my sneeze.
So let me break it down for you:
- Past:
As a child, I will always remember my father's sneezes. There were many traumatic days where his sneeze shook the house, rattling the windows, and making me cower under my bed.
Once I had recovered from the shock I would venture timidly into the hall, possibly even tip-toeing, searching for my father. "You sneezed again daddy!" I would comment rather sheepishly (maaa). "Can't you do something about your sneeze Daddy? It's sooo scary!".
My Dad would reply " I used to say that to my father too, and then one day, ACHOO!, I had inherited my father's sneezes."
'Likely Story!' I would think to myself, still recovering from the shock. "Aha" would be all I would say outloud.
2. Present:
One day, it hit me. Just as my father said it did for him. My sneeze attracted strange looks and stares.
From that day forth, I have suffered the social consequences of an explosive sneeze.
- People are constantly talking about it.
- I get the strangest looks when I am out in public.
- From time to time it has even caused me injury
- Strangers (particularly Sam) are always trying to advise me on the controlling of my sneeze. Now I know what it feels like for parents of unruly children, to be told how to control them all the time. Especially by strange men with beanies and beards.
- Shun! SHUUUUN! (is what people scream when i sneeze)
- Apparently I cause ear bleeds.
- I've almost given people heart attacks.
3. Future:
Anyone want to pray for my healing?
Saturday, May 3, 2008
It has been interesting, to say the least.
I have shared several interesting conversations with friends/visiting misisonaries who've expressed various views about such topics as:
- Is Islam what you are left with if you take Christ out of 'Christianity'?
- Can a Muslim gain salvation without ever knowing the name of Jesus? (Note: C. S. Lewis seems to believe they can!)
- What should be our response to Muslim's in our communities?
And so on and so forth..
It's been something God has really been bringing before me.
Tonight I attended a meeting by author/speaker/missionary Al Janssen who spoke about the persecution of muslim background believers - Muslim converts to christianity.
It is absolutely incredible the amount of persecution that these brothers and sisters go through, in their everyday life.
Clearly, the stories are endless. And the suffering is beyond belief.
This story, while not one of extreme physical suffering, was particularly touching to me. I guess because of my love of children:
I can only pray, that this child, and the thousands more like him, will be able to find their true identity in the empowering gospel of Christ Jesus.
Check out this website for more information, more stories, resources, devotionals, books, chat rooms etc. About the persecuted muslim believers.
Will post more response to this soon... wanna think through a few things.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Journal + Mandarin = blog
Hence the title.
Yesterday I bought an Ocarina. It's an interesting musical instrument somewhat reminiscent of a recorder. And you zelda fans out there probably know all about it.
I so far haven't been able to get a pleasant note out of it.
And I have spent my evening reading a webcomic that I find only slightly amusing. But even still I have read 361 of them today.
Only 2 of them made me LOL.
Thanks to Rhys, on Sam's blog I found this blog
And I found this particular post to be especially Amusiling
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Doubt myself

It’s funny how it takes the world a million years to change itself, and it’s funny how it takes about a half an hour for me to doubt myself into the ground, without remembering to laugh it off
Quote from the music of 'cult of sincerity'(Edit: The Payola Reserve - Antiquity)
Thoughts? I may post my musings on this tomorrow.
I watched the movie that Sam recommended. and very much enjoyed it.
(after wasting bandwith by loading it 3 times - it's an hour and a half long!)
I discovered lots of exciting new music here.
In particular - Some Velvet Morning
Cathi Bruns
And I generally sat and filled my time with computer.
And I enjoyed it :D
I hope you will start afresh with me here... reveling in life's goodness, mellowing in life's sadness, and celebrating life's freshness.
Journey and muse with me.