Saturday, May 3, 2008


Well, lately I've really been musing about Muslims and Muslim Converts... also about the differences between our religions and the way we worship, and our beliefs.

It has been interesting, to say the least.

I have shared several interesting conversations with friends/visiting misisonaries who've expressed various views about such topics as:

- Is Islam what you are left with if you take Christ out of 'Christianity'?

- Can a Muslim gain salvation without ever knowing the name of Jesus? (Note: C. S. Lewis seems to believe they can!)

- What should be our response to Muslim's in our communities?

And so on and so forth..

It's been something God has really been bringing before me.

Tonight I attended a meeting by author/speaker/missionary Al Janssen who spoke about the persecution of muslim background believers - Muslim converts to christianity.

It is absolutely incredible the amount of persecution that these brothers and sisters go through, in their everyday life.

Clearly, the stories are endless. And the suffering is beyond belief.

This story, while not one of extreme physical suffering, was particularly touching to me. I guess because of my love of children:

One Father told Al of his heartbreak seeing his 8 year old son grow up in these 2 worlds. When he is at school he is treated and taught as a muslim. At home he lives a christian life. In his community they know he is a christian and no-one will play with him or even talk to him.

I can only pray, that this child, and the thousands more like him, will be able to find their true identity in the empowering gospel of Christ Jesus.

Check out this website for more information, more stories, resources, devotionals, books, chat rooms etc. About the persecuted muslim believers.

Will post more response to this soon... wanna think through a few things.


Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
Yeah I fully know where you're coming from aye. I went to a predominately muslim country a few years back and the thing that absolutely blew me away was the level of commitment they have to Jesus. Some never hear from their families and parents ever again because to their parents it feels like they've died to them. It's unbelievable, makes me seriously re-evaluate my level of commitment to the gospel. They challenge me to my core without even knowing it!

Random Rambler said...

Where abouts did you go?
Mmm our commitment in the western world is so lax. We feel like we have no reason to stand up for what we believe in...
or at least we don't!
It's crazy. Challenges me.. yeah